
关于集中换发第三代金融社保卡有关事项的通知 (2024-11-01) link
关于铁路电子客票财务报销的通知 (2024-11-01) link
11-01【刘雨喆】腾讯会议 吴文俊重点实验室代数学系列报告之254 (2024-10-31) link
题目:Gorenstein-projective support tau-tilting modules over gentle algebras 报告人:刘雨喆,贵州大学时间:2024年11月1日(周五)上午10:00-11:00地点:腾讯会议:948-167-624摘要:Let A=kQ/I be a gentle algebra. It is well-known that A is representation-infinite if and only if its bound quiver (Q, I) contains a band. In this talk, we provide a new description of the representation-types of gentle algebras by using marked surfaces, and show that A is representation-infinite if and only if there exists a Gorenstein-projective support tau-tilting module T such that EndT is representation-infinite.
关于校内资产调剂的通知 (2024-10-30) link
关于公布2023年度“华米基金”结项项目的通知 (2024-10-28) link
10-30 【Gabriel DOSPINESCU】五教5207 中法班讨论班系列报告037 (2024-10-28) link
题目:The geometry of p-adic numbers报告人:Gabriel DOSPINESCU, Université Clermont-Auvergne(克莱蒙奥弗涅大学)时间:2024年10月30日16:00-17:00地点:第五教学楼5207摘要:I will try to explain some ideas and constructions involving p-adic numbers that are supposed to mimic similar situations over the complex numbers. In particular, I will discuss a rather interesting p-adic geometric object called the Drinfeld upper half-plane, a p-adic analogue of the upper half-plane.
10-29【黄忠亿】五教5307 华罗庚讨论班系列报告 (2024-10-28) link
西区肥西路东门拓宽改造的通知 (2024-10-28) link
10-30 【Gabriel DOSPINESCU】五教5207 中法班讨论班系列报告037 (2024-10-28) link
题目:The geometry of p-adic numbers报告人:Gabriel DOSPINESCU, Centre national de la recherche scientifique(法国国家科学研究中心)时间:2024年10月30日16:00-17:00地点:第五教学楼5207摘要:I will try to explain some ideas and constructions involving p-adic numbers that are supposed to mimic similar situations over the complex numbers. In particular, I will discuss a rather interesting p-adic geometric object called the Drinfeld upper half-plane, a p-adic analogue of the upper half-plane.
关于开展2024年度网络安全等级保护定级工作的通知 (2024-10-24) link
关于举办舞台剧《三千孤儿入内蒙》校园巡演的通知 (2024-10-24) link
10-25【李石虎】管理楼1318 随机分析系列报告 (2024-10-24) link
报告题目:Regularization by nonlinear noise for PDEs: well-posedness and finite time extinction报告人:李石虎,江苏师范大学报告时间:10月25日 10:00-11:00报告地点:管理楼1318摘要:In this talk, we consider the regularization by nonlinear noise for a class of PDEs that may only have local solutions. In particular, we obtain the global existence, uniqueness and the Feller property for stochastic 3D Navier-Stokes equations. Moreover, for a potentially explosive deterministic system, we show that an appropriate intervention of nonlinear noise can not only prevent blow-up but also lead to the finite time extinction of the associated stochastic system. Our main results have broad applications, including stochastic p-Laplace equations with heat sources, stochastic surface growth models and stochastic quasi-geostrophic equations. 简介:李石虎,江苏师范大学副教授,硕士生导师。博士毕业于南开大学,导师谢颖超教授,研究领域为随机分析和随机偏微分方程。在 Probab. Theory Related Fields,Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat.,SIAM J. Math. Anal. 和 Science China Mathematics等期刊发表论文20余篇,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金和江苏省自然科学青年基金等项目。
关于东区229楼学生公寓周边路段临时封闭施工的通知 (2024-10-23) link
2024年度“华米基金”拟立项项目公示 (2024-10-21) link
2023年度“华米基金”结项项目(拟)公示 (2024-10-21) link
10-23 【Marc HINDRY】五教5207 中法班讨论班系列报告036 (2024-10-21) link
题目:Some mysteries concerning zeta functions报告人:Marc HINDRY, Université Paris Cité(巴黎西岱大学)时间:2024年10月23日(周三)16:00-17:00地点:第五教学楼5207摘要:The mother of all zeta functions (the « s » will be important in the talk) is the well-known Euler-Riemann function. Euler calculated some of its special values, while showing a beautiful formula, which we call today Euler product formula; Riemann extended the function to the whole complex plane and showed how the prime number theorem should follow, leaving aside the famous «Riemann hypothesis».Many generalisations have been introduced, connected with algebraic number theory, and algebraic geometry, focusing on both sides: special values and analytic properties.I will describe precisely the main known features of Riemann’s complex zeta function and how they generalise - sometimes only conjecturally - to other zeta functions, in particular the L-function of an elliptic curve.
10-24【Minjia Shi 】五教5307 图论组合系列报告 (2024-10-21) link
Title: An open problem and a conjecture on binary linear complementary pairs of codesSpeaker: Minjia Shi (Anhui University, China)Date/Time: Oct. 24(Thursday), 4-5pmVenue: 5307Abstract: In this talk, we study the best security parameters of binary linear complementary pairs (LCPs) of codes. As a result, we solve an open problem proposed by Carlet et al. (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 65(3): 1694-1704, 2019) and a conjecture proposed by Choi et al. (Cryptogr. Commun. 15(2): 469-486, 2023).
10-24【Jon-Lark Kim】五教5307 图论组合系列报告 (2024-10-21) link
Title: What codes have log-concave sequences?Speaker: Jon-Lark Kim (Sogang University, S. Korea)Date/Time: Oct. 24(Thursday), 3-4pmVenue: 5307Abstract: The notion of logarithmically concave (or log-concave) sequences has been actively studied in Algebra, Combinatorics, and Analysis.We introduce log-concave sequences in Coding Theory. A sequence $a_0, a_1, \dots, a_n$ of real numbers is called log-concave if $a_i^2 \ge a_{i-1}a_{i+1}$ for all $1 \le i \le n-1$. A natural sequence of positive numbers in Coding Theory is the weight distribution of a linear code consisting of the nonzero values among $A_i$'s where $A_i$ denotes the number of codewords of weight $i$. We show that all binary Hamming codes except one length have log-concave nonzero weight distributions and the second order Reed-Muller codes also have log-concave nonzero weight distributions. This is a joint work with Minjia Shi, Xuan Wang, and Junmin An.

